SECURE has been appointed as PIA (Project Implementation agency), by Government agency DWMA ( District water management agency) to facilitate Peoples’ participation in watershed management in 14 watersheds benefiting 7000 hectares of land. 101 water harvesting structures consisting of 54 check-dams, 37 percolation tanks, 58 farm ponds, 11 Gabina Structures and 2 check walls have constructed. To conserve soil and moisture 102 rock filled dams and graded bunding in 532 hectares was taken up. Teak and Agave plantations were taken up in 51 hectares while horticulture was taken up in 73 hectares. In addition to this 48 Bio Gas plants and 38 Vermi compost units have also been constructed by the user groups. To enhance the human resource development 95 SHGs have formed and linked with banks and DRDA for further development.